søndag den 5. august 2012


Dear Someone

Today was one of those "wondering" days. One of those days where you just cannot do anything but to wonder about everything. But today I mainly wondered about "me" and the person that I am. What is defining me as a person and how am I different from the other 7 billion people on earth? When I look at my blog and read it's content I am not seeing myself, but someone else - whether that person is more happy, smart or funny I wouldn't know, but I can assure you that I am definitely not seeing "myself" and the person that "I am". Of course it's about my life and the things that I like, but I still find it somewhat unpersonal and cold. That might be the reason for the fact that I haven't been blogging at all this summer. I'll from now on just do things in my pace and write whatever I feel like, whether it's boring or extremely entertaining. I hope someone's actually reading this and if that isn't the case I'm fine still with it. This blog is, in the end, my way of expressing my creativity and "oddness". I'm not looking for a lot of readers or popularity, but rather a place where I can just be "me", "myself" and "I" and get my mind off certain things and share whatever I come across in life with others who are interested. 

I hope you understand. 

Love, Yuan.   

4 kommentarer:

  1. Den store idé med en blog er vel også, at det kan være et frirum, hvor man kan dele sine tanker om forskellige emner og ting. I hvert fald synes jeg, det er en vigtig ting, at ens blog er personlig, og at din blog reflekterer dine tanker :)

    Jeg kan i øvrigt se, du følger min blog via Google Friend Connect, hvilket jeg er super glad for! Dog flytter jeg snart til mit eget domæne, og der kan mine læsere på Google Friend Connect ikke flytte med. Så hvis du fortsat vil læse min blog, skal du være meget velkommen til at følge mig via bloglovin i stedet (: Og så skal du også have tak for, du læser med!

  2. Yes, sometimes I get so caught up that I forget why I started my blog in the first place! To express myself! As long as you feel like your blog is a good thing for you and you enjoy blogging, keep it up. I enjoy it :)

Holly Foxen Wells


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  4. Jeg finder det selv vigtigt at vise sin personlighed og sig selv igennem bloggen, så den ikke blive for upersonlig - og i længden kedelig :-)Nogle gange tror jeg at det er godt at stoppe op, og se på det man laver, så kan man også så hvad med evt. skal gøre bedre :-)
