tirsdag den 22. maj 2012


I, the youghurt-eating-blogger, is, as the title suggests, feeling melancholic today. I woke up with something that reminded me of a mild fever and an allergic reactions mixed together - not a very good cocktail! Due to this "illness" or whatever it is, I could throw all my plans for today in the bin. Today was my last "real" school day in my 2. year of high school. I would've celebrated it with various friends and other random people at my school, but no, I have to get sick today of all days! I can now sit at home with a "virus cocktail" swimming around in my body - yum!

    The reason that I feel melancholic is because of the fact, that my "exams timetables" will be published at 00:00. Today will be the only day without school, without homework, without any worries and when I thought about this earlier today, a melancholic feeling spread through me (along with the viruses).

    I will (hopefully) get back on track with a more "serious" blogpost tomorrow. Until then!

mandag den 21. maj 2012


Hello dear people out there! My internet is finally working properly and now the blogging can once again begin.

    have been dying to show you this necklace! I absolutely love it - it's a new piece in my "statement necklace"-collection. It's so cute and pink, which isn't something that I usually go for, but it looked so delicate! For those who want to know, this is my second H&M statement necklace. The other one is the turquoise necklace that I wore in my last outfit of the day.

    Have a fantastic sunny day!


Hej kære mennesker! Mit internet virker endelig og jeg kan nu indsætte indlæg igen.

    I denne lange periode, har jeg virkelig haft lyst til, at vise jer denne halskæde! Det er et af mine nye fund og er nu en del af min "statement-necklace"-kollektion" Den er ret anderledes, da den er lidt mere delikat og sød i det. Halskæden er fra H&M og kan vist stadig købes på strøget. 

    Jeg håber i nød den dejlige, solrige dag! Jeg var i Frederiksberg Have sammen med en masse andre hoveder og hyggede mig skam gevaldigt!

tirsdag den 8. maj 2012


This blogpost will contain a danish poem. I'm sorry, that some (maybe most of you) won't be able to understand it.  But it's so damn (yeah, I'm cursing again) beautiful and original.

    When I started this blog I didn't want to focus on fashion or make-up. I want this blog to be about.. well, everything and with everything I mean life in general. And that is exactly what this poem is about; LIFE.

Knuser uret

med mine tanker
― jeg lever kun
med livets hastighed

Skifter hurtigt
til ny forklædning
― jeg behøver forandringer
med livets hastighed

Danner kontrast
behøver ingen camouflage
― død og træt af
ikke at være mig selv

Skifter farve
anarkistisk kamæleon
― kaster masken
ændrer leveform

Mit sind
gror ud af mit hoved
― skiftede sind
efter at have været død

det lader til at jeg ved nu
― at jeg ikke har
et uforgængeligt selv

Hvem ved
ved hvad ens selv er lig?
― jeg er ligeglad
skaber selv mit selv

Skifter fart
jeg har brug for fartskift
― jeg ændrer mit liv
før det ændrer mig

    I'll stop the "oddness" for now, but then again.. I might just post an english poem some day.. I feel so off topic. hah. Even though some of you did not understand the poem, I'd still like to hear your opinion on poems. Do you like them? Love them? 

    I promise that I'll post something more "normal" next time, but my assignments for school are seriously drowning me! 

lørdag den 5. maj 2012


Sorry about the lightning! I took the pictures at 1 am, when I got home. 

Hello fellow human beings! The outfit you see in the picture is from yesterday. I had dinner with a couple of friends at the restaurant/café, Dalle Valle and afterwards we went to the cinema and watched "The Avengers". I'd definitely recommend the movie, if you're into the whole epic-superhero-movie-thing.  I, myself, rather liked the movie. It's actually pretty good! Have you seen the movie? 

    The outfit I have on, is actually just a mix of different things from other outfits, that I've had on and blogged about. I love mixing and matching! 

    Have an amazing day filled with laughter! 


Hej rare mennesker derude! Outfittet som i kan se på billedet er fra igår. Jeg var ude og spise sammen med nogle veninder på Dalle Valle (hvis i kender stedet) og derefter var vi i biografen og så "The Avengers". Jeg kan helt klart anbefale filmen til dem, som elsker actionfyldte film! Har i set filmen? 

    Outfittet som jeg har på, er faktisk bare et mix af ting jeg allerede har haft på i ældre outfit-indlæg. Den turkise og hvide farve er bare så sommer-agtig!

    Jeg håber i får en skøn dag, med en masse latter (og uden lektier!)

torsdag den 3. maj 2012


Hello you guys! Another week has gone by, without ANY blogposts and I'm really, really sorry about that! These weeks have been so hectic and when I get home from school the only thing I do, is making my homework  for the next day or write som random assignment. I'll try to blog more often, but the next two months until my summer vacation will probably be filled with revising school related "stuff" and writing more papers!

    Todays print is the peacock print on my silk trousers that I always have on in the summertime, when the weather is right. The material is so flowy and light and I just love having these trousers on at home while relaxing.

    Have a nice day everyone!


Hej mennesker! Endnu en uge er gået UDEN nogle indlæg. De her uger har virkelig været hektiske og selvfølgelig skal jeg starte en blog, nu hvor eksamensperioden er i syne! Jeg vil dog i fremtiden prøve at blogge bare lidt mere, men indtil sommerferien har jeg indset, at det nok ikke kan blive hver eneste dag. 

    Det print jeg "har på" i dag er dette påfugle print på mine bukser. Jeg elsker at have mine silkebukser på om sommeren, når vejret er varmt! 

    Jeg håber i har haft en fantastisk dag!