søndag den 6. januar 2013


After so many months without posting anything on my blog I'm now back. It's 2013 and the beginning of a new year. There are many things I'd like to do in 2013 and one of them is of course blogging again. It might take some time for me to get started, but please bear with me. I don't know if anybody is going to read my blog, but for me writing is enough in itself. Happy new year to you guys and I'll hopefully be blogging soon.

søndag den 5. august 2012


Dear Someone

Today was one of those "wondering" days. One of those days where you just cannot do anything but to wonder about everything. But today I mainly wondered about "me" and the person that I am. What is defining me as a person and how am I different from the other 7 billion people on earth? When I look at my blog and read it's content I am not seeing myself, but someone else - whether that person is more happy, smart or funny I wouldn't know, but I can assure you that I am definitely not seeing "myself" and the person that "I am". Of course it's about my life and the things that I like, but I still find it somewhat unpersonal and cold. That might be the reason for the fact that I haven't been blogging at all this summer. I'll from now on just do things in my pace and write whatever I feel like, whether it's boring or extremely entertaining. I hope someone's actually reading this and if that isn't the case I'm fine still with it. This blog is, in the end, my way of expressing my creativity and "oddness". I'm not looking for a lot of readers or popularity, but rather a place where I can just be "me", "myself" and "I" and get my mind off certain things and share whatever I come across in life with others who are interested. 

I hope you understand. 

Love, Yuan.   

lørdag den 14. juli 2012


Hello once again! Twice on one day, I'm on a roll. hah. So, I got this "Liebster" Award a looong time ago, but figured that it's better late than never, right? Thank you for tagging me Em Trava! 

What is a Liebster award?

 The Liebster Blog Award is given to upcoming bloggers who have less than 200 followers.
 The Meaning; Liebster is German and means sweetest, kindest, nicest, dearest, beloved, lovely, kind, pleasant, valued, cute, endearing, and welcome.

The Rules:
1. Each person must post 11 things about themselves.
2. Answer the questions the tagger has set for you plus create 11 questions for the people you've tagged to answer
3. Choose eleven people and link them in your post.
4. Go to their page and tell them.
5. Remember no tag backs!

Let's begin!

11 things about myself
1. I am quite tall. 1,78 to be precise. That fact has always baffled the people I know, since they've always imagined chinese people as tiny beings. haha. 
2. I play the piano.. (horribly) 
3. I eat - almost - all the time!
4. I'm actually quite shy, but I have a tendency of hiding it.
5. I don't like to pose in front of a camera. 
6. I think that writing about oneself is quite hard. haha.
7. I, for some reason, suck a the subject history.
8. I love beanies!
9. I love all kinds of music! From opera to heavy metal.  
10. The movie, "The Tale Of Two Sisters" confused me to no end!
11. Lately, I've been obsessed with the TV-show "Suits". It's amazing!

Now onto the questions!

1. What's your all-time favorite fashion trend?
I have always loved the "Statement Necklace" trend or rather just statement jewelry trend in general I.

2. If you could be a model, who would you like to model for?
I think I would've liked to model for Chanel.  

3. Who's your favorite designer?
Not sure. But probably Alexander Wang. 

4. Name a trend that you'd like to have a comeback.
No idea. I'm quite laid back when it comes to clothing. If I like something I wear it, trendy or not, and that is why I tend to forgot the various trends that are coming and going. 

5. Name a trend that you dislike.
Again, no idea.

6. What trend would you like to start?
Not sure (again). Maybe wearing butterfly looking butterflies as butterflies? Does that sentence even make sense? But that would definitely be awesome. At least if you're able to understand my weird-o sentence and imagine it!

7. Do you like make-up? If yes, what are your favorite products?
Well, you could say that I like it. My favourite product would probably be lipsticks. They're so versatile! 

8. Bags or shoes addict?
I'd say I'm more of a bag addict.

9. Nail art or one-color nails?
Both? But if I have to paint my nails myself I'd prefer one-colour nails. hah.

10. What fashion capital would you like to visit?
London. I loved that place! But maybe also, Hong Kong (even though it's not a "real" fashion capital).

11. Labels or love?
I'd definitely say love. (aw, so cute. lol.) 

Now it's my turn to question! 

1. What do you think is your biggest "imperfection"? 
2. And now (opposite to the first question), what do you find most "attractive" about yourself?
3. Would you rather wear uncomfortable, but extremely stylish shoes or wear comfortable shoes that were old and worn out very "un-stylish"? 
4. Do you prefer colorful or more muted coloured clothing?
5. What is your favourite book? 
6.   What is your favourite trend? 
7. If you could be anyone (anything) on this planet, who or what would you be? 
8. Bows or ties? (Random question I know!)
9. Would you rather buy one expensive item (quality) or buy many inexpensive items (quantity)?
10. Do accessories really make the outfit? 
11. What is one thing you would not be able to live without? 

Since I don't know who to tag, I decided to bend the rules a bit. I decided to tag all of YOU. Yes, you heard (read) right, all of you! Everyone who is reading this blogpost is automatically tagged by me, but of course, only if you want to be tagged ;-) If you decide to do this tag, then feel free to write a comment on this post with your blog link, so that I can read your lovely answers! 

Have a wonderful evening. I hope this blogpost wasn't too long! 


Here we are again. Two weeks have passed by and I have not blogged even once in this time period. Shame on me!  But enough of that, let's see if I'll be able to blog properly from now on. Any specific things you guys would like to read/see? 

    The following pictures are ones that I've taken randomly throughout July. 

The danish weather has been horrible (at least if you think of the fact that it's summer). It's been extremely cloudy and rainy, but I still got a picture of a (semi) clear sky. 

A couple of days ago I got to see the work of Max Walter Svanberg. He was a Swedish Surrealist.I absolutely love his imaginativeness!

More berries! Yum. 

And at last, a crazy picture of me Instagram-style!. 

Have a fabulous day everybody! 

onsdag den 27. juni 2012


Hello beautiful human beings!
I'm back with an update on.. well, my life? The whole month of June has been oh, so hectic! I've been revising and I've taken various oral and written exams. I turned 18 two days ago, I've begun my driver's lessons, and my summer vacation is now finally here! I'll be updating more often and the posts will definitely be much more interesting (at least I hope so). Do you guys have anything specific things you'd like to see or read? I'll be receiving your ideas with open arms!

    I'll get back to you tomorrow, but stay warm! And until some time tomorrow you can entertain yourselves with this amazing song!


Hej i smukke, rare mennesker derude! 
Jeg er tilbage med et update. Hele juni måned har bare være så hektisk! Og det er netop derfor, at jeg ikke rigtig har skrevet nogle indlæg (det må jeg altså blive bedre til!). Jeg har haft læst op til de forskellige prøver og eksaminer og desuden fyldte jeg 18 i mandags. For at gøre det hele lidt mere stressende, så startede jeg også lige på mine køretimer. Men nu er sommerferien her endelig og jeg har endelig tid, til at skrive mange flere indlæg! Hvis i har nogle forslag eller forskellige idéer til nogle indlæg, eller bare noget i gerne vil se/læse så skriv endelig til! 

    Jeg skriver igen i morgen, men forbliv nu varme inden dag, for det danske vejr stinker da lidt, hva'? Indtil i morgen, kan i så lige underholde jer med denne sang.

tirsdag den 12. juni 2012

Of Monsters and Men

Hello beautiful people out there! I'm back with a lovely song from a band that I'm obsessed with lately; "Of Monsters and Men"! I love their voices! Today is just a day filled with relaxation. I didn't really have anything on the agenda (except for the oral test this morning).

    Which bands/songs have you been obsessed with lately? Have a magical day!


Hej rare mennesker ude i verden! Jeg er tilbage med en utrolig dejlig sang fra et band, som jeg bare konstant lytter til her for tiden: "Of Monsters and Men". Jeg elsker simpelthen bare deres stemmer! Dagen i dag er dog kun fyldt med afslappethed. Jeg havde ikke planlagt noget (bortset fra en mundtlig prøve i morges). 

    Hvilke bands/sange har du lyttet meget til her for tiden? Ha' nu en fantastisk dag!

fredag den 8. juni 2012


You guys might not know, but it's my birthday in about 2 weeks - and I feel sooo old! My oral history test is, unfortunately, the day after, which means I won't be able to properly enjoy my birthday (sadness). Oh, well. What you see in the picture is a couple of my birthday wishes. I have a couple more - 3 books, actually - but they were too square-y and didn't really fit in with the rest of the items. heh.

     Have a nice non-rainy day. I'll now enjoy the fact that I don't need to look at equations, chi-squared tests or charts for 2 months (why, oh why, did I choose mathematics on a high-level?!). Do you guys have any wishes? A certain bag, designers shoes or maybe world peace?


I ved det måske ikke, men det er faktisk min fødselsdag om ca. 2 uger. Desværre, så har jeg en historie-årsprøve dagen efter, så det eneste jeg kommer til at gøre på fødselsdag, er nok at læse om 1. verdenskrig og renæssancen. Men tilbage til emnet; det i kan se på billedet er alle mine ønsker (eller rettere: fantasi-ønsker, da nogle af tingene er relativt dyre). Jeg har faktisk 3 ønsker mere - bøger - men de så lidt for firkantede ud..

    Jeg håber i har haft en dejlig dag - uden årsprøver og regn (selvom det styrter ned lige i øjeblikket). Jeg vil fejre dét faktum, at jeg ikke skal se på ligninger, Chi-i-anden test eller grafer i de næste to måneder (jeg fortryder at jeg har valgt matematik på A, haha). Har i mennesker derude, selv nogle ønsker?